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Marcel Duchamp: The Invention of the Present

Marcel Duchamp: The Invention of the Present

April 26, 2019 - April 28, 2019

Symposium to mark the 10th anniversary of the Duchamp Research Centre in Schwerin

With thanks to the Friends of the Staatliches Museum Schwerin e.V. for their generous support.


Friday, 26 April 2019

6:30 PM

Dr Pirko Zinnow
Taking Stock and Looking Forward
Director of the Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten, Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

7:00 PM
ceremonial address

Prof Dr Sandro Zanetti, Zurich
Rendezvous with the present
Marcel Duchamp’s Art of Time


Champagne reception and banquet by the Friends of the Staatliches Museum Schwerin e.V. 

Saturday, 27 April 2019


 9:30 AM

Dr Paul B. Franklin, Paris
Duchamp in Detail

10:15 AM

Prof Dr Kornelia von Berswordt-Wallrabe, Schwerin
Looking for a Bride: Aspects of the Life and Work of Marcel Duchamp, La Mariée/The Bride, 1912/1934

11:00-11:30 AM

Coffee break

11:30 AM

Dr Kornelia Röder, Schwerin
Marcel Duchamp and the Ephemeral

12:00 PM

Dr Sarah Kolb, Vienna
Beyond the Ready-made. Duchamp in the Fourth Dimension

12:45-1:45 PM

Lunch break at Café KunstPause
1:45 PM

Dr Gerhard Graulich, Schwerin
Poiesis as Concept

2:15 PM

Francesco Miroglio, Molare, Alessandria
Marcel Duchamp and the graphic design artworks in the Schwerin Collection

3:00-3:30 PM

Coffee break

3:30 PM

Jill O’Connor, Catonsville, Maryland (USA)
The Clock in Profile

4:15 PM

Patricia Dick, Schwerin
Aspects of the Four Elements in the Work of Marcel Duchamp

5:00 PM

Prof Sarah Archino PhD, Greenville, South Carolina (USA)
Made/Remade: The Boîte-en-valise as incomplete and infinite archive,
Video link

5:30 PM

Dr Deborah Bürgel, Berlin
Known also under name RROSE SÉLAVY”: On Marcel Duchamp’s Artistic Strategy of (Self-)Proliferation

6:15 PM

Dr Katharina Neuburger, Münster
La Prière – The Prayer


8:00 PM

Snacks in the Kunsthalle at E-Werk, Kunstverein für Mecklenburg & Vorpommern in Schwerin

8:30 PM

Conversation on the blue couch with Professor Kornelia von Berswordt-Wallrabe, Dr Renate Wiehager and Christine Hess-Petersen Rutsch
Kunsthalle at E-Werk, Kunstverein für Mecklenburg & Vorpommern in Schwerin

Sunday, 28 April 2019


10 AM
Petit Dejeuner

Coffee and croissants at Café KunstPause

10:30 AM

Dr Pirko Zinnow 
Director of the Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

11:00 AM
Guided tour through the exihibition
Seeing the Impossible

Dr Gerhard Graulich, Dr Kornelia Röder,
Patricia Dick
curators of the exhibition


English-language moderation: Dr Katharina Neuburger

Admission is free.

> Abstracts and Biografies in EN

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