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From Barbizon to the Baltic Sea

Carl Malchin, Stadtansicht Rostock mit St. Nikolai, um 1907/08 © Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

From Barbizon to the Baltic Sea

Carl Malchin and the Discovery of Mecklenburg

July 5, 2019 - October 6, 2019

Carl Malchin is one of the most beloved artists from the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. His painting technique is rooted in the art of the school of Barbizon and it is one of the new aspects presented in the exhibition. Malchin's work is shown in the context of his teachers and fellow students in Munich and Weimar. Some of their work has been in the Schwerin collection for a hundred years without being shown. Most importantly, the exhibition presents Malchin’s draughtsmanship, his cloud studies and his depictions of the contemporary industrialization of agriculture.


At the end of his life, Malchin sold his collection of his own oil studies to the Schwerin Museum. He considered them to encompass his artistic heritage. Most of them are small wooden panels, excerpts of nature rapidly put down or of minute precision. The highlight of the exhibition are his formidable panorama paintings of Mecklenburg around 1900.

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